Oh My Soul!

When life is well, the soul is well. But what exactly is soul? Psychology studies it, science ignores it and religion has its own approaches. Soul is an elusive concept and definitions have varied through the ages. Oh My Soul! suggests soul to be an awareness that eventuates when spirit and body interact. This awareness has great depth. Through spirit it reaches into the primary levels of creation from where principles, relevant to personhood, originate.

Oh My Soul! reflects on thoughts from spirituality, theology, psychology, philosophy and the sciences. Suggestions are made towards wellbeing that are readily understood and practical. Soul health is never automatic, but it can be helped along when aware of what matters most and why.


One of the most complex topics in Christian thought is the soul. Every person, whether religious or not, talks about it. But what exactly is the human soul? What does it do? And why is it important? Michael Spyker, in a series of concise and readable chapters, draws on a lifetime of reading and reflection in responding to these and other questions. Oh My Soul! is a refreshingly to-the-point and helpful book. Enriching and invaluable for anyone truly seeking to understand what it means to be a person with a soul.

Dr Mark Worthing
Dean of Frontier School of Mission
Melbourne School of Theology

Spirituality/Theology/Christian Living: 138 pages


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